copes de vi negre
The wines of Celler de SANUI have the character and personality that the land and climate confer to the different grape varieties planted in our vineyards, cultivated under strict control of limited production. They are wines with pleasant and bright colors, fresh and fruity aromas that show us the characteristics of the grape varieties from which they come. In the mouth they are structured, balanced, persistent and with a good pace. Full of life and sensations, our wines reflect the landscape where they are born.

The whites, pleasing to the eye, aromatic, soft, with good acidity and delicate.

The blacks, with a good layer, intense color and persistent flavor. They have a good concentration of polyphenols which, in turn, should favor their evolution in the bottle while making them healthier.

Both, especially the young ones, are wines that we can drink as a glass of wine or in our everyday meals. Barrel wines, i.e. aged wines, more complex and with a very good structure, are ideal to accompany the rich and varied gastronomy of the Terres de Ponent where they come from, but also the dishes of this Mediterranean cuisine so healthy and so close.

Now all that is needed is for you, who have just met us, to enjoy these wines from the Celler de SANUI so that you will soon be part of our group of friends and consumers who are loyal to the brand.

ampolles de vi

Taste our wines